Fresh from a session in the dentist’s chair, I’m just taking a quick swing around the mangaworld this morning while I wait for the Novocain to wear off. Then I have to do some Serious Writing For Money, but I’ll be back tomorrow.
For those of us who don’t want to sort through all the superhero stuff, Chris Butcher has a great summary of the manga panels at NYCC.
At Twitch, someone has posted stills and a cast list for the live-action film being made in Japan from the manga Death Note.
New blog discovery: Fleen, which covers webcomics, something I don’t pay enough attention to. I’ll be checking in periodically to further my education. Meanwhile, Jarred Pine has an interesting post on the AoD blog about digital manga. As some sort of this is in the future, it’s worth a read.
At ICv2, a look at new plans for Dark Horse.
Finally, this is only slightly off topic, but as a fan of The Comics Curmudgeon, I have become a devoted reader of the comic strip Mark Trail. This morning, I commented to my husband, “Mark Trail is taking on the Kelo decision.” Turns out I’m not the only one who caught that. (Hat tip: The Comics Reporter.)