I’m still helping with flood cleanup (paperwork, not actual digging) so posting and commentary will be light. But here are a few items I woke up to this morning:
FUNimation has picked up distribution rights to “selected titles” in the Tokyopop video catalogue.
Eat your vegetables: MangaCast has news of the freshest Broccoli title, Makai Senki Disgaea.
Pata has some fun with the latest software.
Mayhem rules on Manga Island, where Tony look at East Coast Rising and Kikkaider Code 02.
Los Angeles Alternative reviews Antique Bakery and Cafe Kichoujou. I’m reading the latter and find it a bit episodic for my tastes, but my two daughters adore it.
Cosplay in Calgary: About 4,000 people flocked to the anime convention (Warning: Unreadable white-on-black type.) Cosplay is big:
“There’s nothing quite like having a perfect stranger recognize your character and call out to you. It’s just a really warm feeling to know that you’ve connected with somebody else out there,” said special events coordinator Jenny Chan. She says people are literally drawn into the stories and the culture.
“It’s like watching a regular movie out there except it happens to be drawn.”