ICv2 has the latest Bookscan graphic novel figures for the week ending June 25, and here’s a surprise: Naruto is really, really hot. In fact, all 10 volumes were in the top 17. With vol. 8 of Fullmetal Alchemist and vol. 6 of Death Note shouldering onto the chart as well, Viz took nine of the top ten spots. Megatokyo (NOT a Viz title) debuted at number 19. Love Manga has the actual chart; the lone non-Viz title in the top ten is Loveless, which is interesting as I wouldn’t consider that a mainstream series.
David also did one of his in-depth analyses of manga sales for the first half of 2006, and it’s well worth a read. The executive summary is that, as above, Viz rules, but by comparing 2005 figures to 2006, David spots a larger trend, the narrowing of the market. Or at least, the narrowing of the top ten chart, with Viz taking 68.8% of the slots in 2006.