There’s much for manga lovers to like in this week’s PWCW, including an interview with DMP president Hikaru Sasahara, a profile of Dark Horse, an interview with Dramacon creator Svetlana Chmakova, and an article about PSB, which publishes manga in Spanish. On their blogs, Simon Jones gives his take on the Sasahara interview and David Welsh has some comments as well.
Floating Sakura translates the Japanese top 10 manga list and is surprised by what she sees.
Cantarella manga-ka You Higuri has created a poster for the American Library Association.
Someone asked Mitch at Blogfonte for some manga recommendations, and he responds with five suggestions. Even if you have read the series, his reviews are worth reading.
Today’s debate of note is over at Icarus Comics, where Simon Jones, John Jakala, and Tina Anderson discuss sexism and choice vis-a-vis Tintin Pantoja’s re-imagining of Wonder Woman.
Manganews translates an article about two Japanese books of recommended manga for boys and for girls.
The June blog has some info up about the Cold Sleep series. (Via Yaoi Suki.)
Dudley Jahnke has left Viz.
In case you’re wondering what’s up with your favorite Broccoli series, the Broccoli blog runs down all the titles in progress.
The manga creep continues: Elae has a list of German-created global manga that have been licensed in other countries.
Fresh, hot previews up at the MangaCast. Lots of variety today!
At Anime on DVD, Sakura likes the art, hates the story of vol. 1 of La Corda D’Oro. Mangamaniacccafe reviews Trinity Blood. Active Anime’s Holly Ellingwood takes a look at vol. 2 of Beauty Pop, and Christopher Seaman checks out vol. 3 of School Zone. Manga Recon’s Katherine Dacey-Tsuei enjoys Hayate the Combat Butler, a new series from Viz. At Okazu, Erica Friedman writes thoroughly enjoyable reviews of Simoun and Silent Mobius. Greg McElhatton reviews volume 8 of XXXholic.
ChunHyang72 says
A quick correction: Katherine Dacey-Tsuei is the author of the Hayate review; Kenjiro Hata is the mangaka. Thanks for mentioning it!
Jake says
Cesare Borgia is now the 2nd prettiest bishonen on an ALA poster — after David Bowie, of course. That’s some great exposure for manga.
Brigid says
CH72: Fixed! Sorry about that—I started a real job today, so I was rushing to get my morning post done before I went to work. And I was thinking, “Gee, I don’t remember seeing that person write for PCS before.” Next time I’ll trust my instincts.
Jake: How true! I’ll be working my library connections to get a copy of that one.
cathy says
Thanks for posting the Cold Sleep link! I had asked on the forums there about the next novel (the first really doesn’t work as a standalone book) and didn’t get an answer. It’s nice to know they’re working on it.
ChunHyang72 says
Thanks for shout-out (and the correction). Hope more people catch on to Hayate. It isn’t earth-shattering, but it’s a lot of fun (and a good chaser for some of the heavy-duty stuff on everyone’s Top 10 lists).