Happy birthday to Yaoi Suki! Jen and Jordan will be celebrating all week; they kick it off with a dramatic reading from Gerard & Jacques.
New to the blogroll, but not to regular readers: ChunHyang’s blog, which should be a regular stop for every reader of this blog, and 見ないで! 恥ずかしい…, an anime blog by JP Meyer, a grad student at NYU who studies anime and does some nice commentary on the larger issues around manga and anime. (For an explanation of the name, click on his “about” page.) Also, Icarus Comics, with the usual caveat.
And here’s one to watch: R. Writer for Hire is a new blog by Jens Altmann, who writes comics and translates manga into German. This particular blog is just about comics so it should be interesting.
ChunHyang72 says
Thanks, Brigid—it’s an honor!