My latest column is up at Comixpedia, and it’s about… Same Hat! Same Hat!! I told you you would be hearing about them soon!
ICv2 has more info on new publisher Aurora, including some new title announcements and price information. Also on the front page: Vertical’s fall lineup.
Manga Recon presents previews of the new Shakespeare manga.
Reviewer Jeff Lester reflects on the addictiveness of manga as he picks up and puts down Sgt. Frog. (Via Sporadic Sequential.)
Newsarama interviews Josh Dysart about his latest manga, April Lavigne’s Make 5 Wishes, and they also talk to Eric Wight about My Dead Girlfriend.
Robots Never Sleep looks at another bizarre title that we will probably never see in English: Heibon Ponch, by George Asakura, the manga-ka behind A Perfect Day for Love Letters.
Always on the prowl for something different, MangaCast has an interesting article on travelogue manga.
ChunHyang72 rounds up the latest manga news in her Manga Minute.
Johanna expresses some doubts about Tezuka’s serious work, such as the soon-to-be-published Apollo’s Song:
I know Tezuka is deservedly well-respected, and I’m disappointed in myself for not appreciating his work more, but I have a really hard time reading a story that features rape and violent death when the characters look like they should be starring in a happy Disney movie for six-year-olds.
I had the same problem with Buddha.
Satsuma of One Potato Two is translating With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child, the new title from Yen Press. Also, she’s celebrating her first blogiversary with a raffle.
Mely enjoys Kaori Yuki’s freetalk so much she pulls out a good bit. It’s certainly less bland than “I’m collecting hand lotions.” Check the comments for some tart remarks about translation and adapatation.
Manganews is rounding up April Fools Day pranks.
jpmeyer says
And I had the same issue with Crime and Punishment.