Yeah, there is some.
Shaenon Garrity reaches back into the dim pre-history of translated manga (1998) and hauls out the original Mixx edition of Parasyte for the Overlooked Manga Festival. It’s a killer combination of bad art, weird lettering, and rappin’ back cover copy; I’m looking forward to seeing Del Rey show just how far we have come when they put out their edition next week.
Chloe lists four manga she’d like to see in English.
Pata digs up some Christian manhwa—from Chick Comics.
At Sporadic Sequential, John Jakala falls victim to a failure to communicate.
Reviews: Matt Brady’s review of vol. 1 of King City can be summed up in one word: “Yowza!” At Brain Food Lunch, Ariadne reviews vols. 1-3 of Red River. Mangamaniac Julie checks out the latest issue of Shonen Jump at the MangaCast. At Anime on DVD, Matthew Alexander reviews the adult one-shot Anzu: The Shards of Memory. Miranda gives vol. 1 of Inubaka: Crazy for Dogs a lukewarm reception at Prospero’s Manga, while Ferdinand is pleasantly surprised by vols. 2 and 3 of The Devil Does Exist. Reika is up to vol. 8 of the same series at the Tokyojupiter blog. Katherine Dacey-Tsuei reviews vol. 1 of Tanpenshu at PopCultureShock. If you read French, check out Stephen Paul’s review of Ranman at du9; if not, you can still enjoy Xavier Guilbert’s reviews of Japan as Viewed by 17 Creators and Soil. Only one manga review from Active Anime today: Holly Ellingwood checks out vol. 20 of the InuYasha Ani-Manga.
ryan says
Hi Brigid,
In non-scanlation mania news: For the curious and internationally-minded, we’ve posted pics from a german cosplay masquerade from FBF 06… enjoy!
This also includes a wrap-up of our entire series of Manga in Europe posts, which is finally completed :)