Warning: The invasion is about to begin—the Naruto invasion, that is. In addition to swamping bookstore shelves with three new volumes a month, Viz is raffling off a trip to SDCC and a bunch of Naruto games and DVDs every week for the duration.
Speaking of Viz, they sent me a newsletter yesterday with an ad for Pretty Face that carried the tag line: “He wanted to be her boyfriend… He’ll settle for being her twin sister!” “That,” I observed to my daughter, “sums up most of shoujo manga in two sentences.” I exaggerate, of course. For a look at shounen cliches, check out this thread at Comic Book Resources.
David Welsh devotes this week’s Flipped column to two manga magazines, Shojo Beat and Otaku USA.
Life imitates manga, part infinity: ANN reports that the game Ramen Tenshi Pretty Manma, which up till now existed only as an element in the manga Genshiken, is getting its own manga.
Jason Yadao writes about Tokyopop TV at the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
Over in Japan, Suzuka is ending and a new Fate/Stay Night manga is starting up.
German translator Jens Altmann goes shopping for some older manga and finds it in his comics store, not the chain bookstores. Sounds like they have a different distribution system over there, as the comics store can get back issues overnight.
ComiPress is looking for a proofreader.
At TheOtaku.com, Gia gently mocks Variety for referring to anime as “manga.” But here’s the thing: They’re writing about Manga Entertainment, an anime company that owns the rights to the URL Manga.com, which is a purely anime site. So it’s hardly Variety‘s fault. It does seem kind of stupid, though.
The Japanese government concludes that 5,400 people are living in manga cafes.
Reviews: Here’s a new review site to check out: Swanjun reviews both books and manga at Soliloquy in Blue; today she gives a solid B to vol. 5 of Whistle. At Anime on DVD, Sakura Eries reviews Dream Shoppe and Matthew Alexander takes a walk on the global side with a look at vol. 1 of Aoi House in Love. (For a while, one of the top search strings bringing people here was “Aoi House scanlations,” which was doubly redundant because Aoi House is a webcomic as well as being in English.) It’s Manga Monday at Comics-and-More, where Dave Ferraro reviews several titles, including the first two chapters of Honey and Clover. Julie reads all of the September Shojo Beat at the Manga Maniac Cafe. David Welsh has some thoughts on vol. 14 of Fullmetal Alchemist (with spoilers) at Precocious Curmudgeon. EvilOmar posts reviews of the Full Metal Panic! novel, vol. 1 of Peace Maker, and vol. 1 of Alive! at About Heroes. At Manga Life, Michael Aronson reviews vol. 1 of Oninbo and the Bugs from Hell, by Hideshi Hino. Snowcleo reviews vol. 1 of Avalon High Coronation at Manganews. Monday was apparently Alliteration Day at Comics Waiting Room, where Mark Mason reviews vols. 1-3 of Gacha Gacha: The Next Revolution, vol. 2 of Puri Puri, and vols. 5-9 of Guru Guru Pon-Chan. Johanna Draper Carlson reviews vol. 3 of Inu Baka: Crazy for Dogs at Comics Worth Reading. Leroy Douresseaux checks out vol. 1 of Undertown at the Comic Book Bin.
gia says
I understand where the confusion came from, but any reporter worth his or her salt should have done at least the basic google search it would take to figure out what was going on ;)
phoenixfirev says
Just to let you know, the link for David Welsh’s Flipped column goes instead to his Precocious Curmudgeon blog.
Brigid says
Gia, I agree. But sometimes it’s hard to know what you don’t know.
Phoneixfirev, thanks. I fixed the bad link. Sorry about that!
jun says
“Pretty Face” isn’t shoujo, actually, though I think your comment still stands. :)
Estara says
“Sounds like they have a different distribution system over there, as the comics store can get back issues overnight.”
I don’t know about the comic stores, but any German bookstore can get you any book IN PRINT in Germany overnight. They’re all connected to a special database for that. I would guess comic stores here have something similar or use the same database.