The MangaCasters go over this week’s new manga, and they list the manga in the latest Diamond Previews.
Don’t you hate it when manga pages are swallowed by the binding of the book? Kurt Hassler explains why that happens to Tiamat’s Disciple. Also in the post are some new titles from Yen.
John T talks translation at Mecha Mecha Media and reveals that he is the translator for the Blood+ novels.
David Welsh rounds up reactions to vol. 1 of Hell Girl and comes up with a different suggestion: Read MW instead.
Dallas Middaugh pimps Dark Wars: A Tale of Meiji Dracula at the Del Rey blog.
There’s some sort of meltdown thing going on in the anime world. If, like me, you don’t watch anime and have only been watching out of the corner of your eye, go check out the proudly NSFW Icarus blog, where Simon Jones condenses the controversy into a coule of links and explains why it matters to manga readers.
Are manga outselling American comics? There’s a big discussion going on at the CBR forum.
News from Japan: New manga are on the way from Jun Sadogawa, crator of Noodle Fighter Miki, and Wataru Watanabe, who did the art for the version of Train Man published by CMX. Also: Hunter X Hunter is coming back.
Win a copy of vol. 1 of Blood + in Dark Horse’s latest contest.
Reviews: There are some new manga reviews up at Comics Village: Charles Tan on vol. 1 of Eyeshield 21, John Thomas on vol. 1 of Gunsmith Cats: Revised Edition, and Lori Henderson on vol. 2 of Princess Resurrection. The Anime on DVD staff all contribute to some Small Bodied Manga Reviews. Tiamat’s Disciple checks out vols. 1 and 2 of Zombie Loan. Nick reads vol. 1 of Millennium Snow at Hobotaku. Julie enjoys vol. 2 of Hikkatsu and vol. 5 of Absolute Boyfriend at the Manga Maniac Cafe. Erica recommends vol. 1 of First Love Sisters at Okazu. James Fleenor reviews vol. 1 of Gun Blaze West at Anime Sentinel. Lissa Pattillo takes a walk on the light side with a review of vol. 1 of Kat and Mouse at Kuriosity. Eric Turner checks out vol. 1 of Black God at Manga Jouhou. Connie checks out vol. 1 of Let Dai, vol. 9 of Pastel, Asian Beat, and vol. 22 of GetBackers at Slightly Biased Manga. Deb Aoki detects fanservice in vol. 1 of Ral Ω Grad Holly Ellingwood reviews two yaoi titles, vol. 2 of Camera Camera Camera and vol. 2 of Prince Charming, at Active Anime. Ferdinand reviews vol. 1 of A.I. Revolution, which I’m enjoying myself right now, at Prospero’s Manga. Tangognat has good things to say about vol. 1 of Flower of Life. Matthew Brady reviews vol. 3 of Tezuka’s Buddha at Warren Peace Sings the Blues.
[…] “The well-being of manga is still somewhat tied to the anime industry, whose television presence has made hits out of books like Naruto and FMA. But perhaps a more compelling reason for everyone to keep an eye on the current turmoil [in the anime market] is that these problems may be expressions of deeper-rooted issues that could affect manga as well; specifically, the diminishing value of the dollar that is erasing licensing profits for Japanese companies, and increasing costs for licensees in an unstable market. The complete collapse of the North American anime market is too pessimistic a prediction, yet a tightening of the belt seems unavoidable should the dollar’s dismal devaluation continue. A steadily growing manga market overall may seem immune, but break it down individually, and it becomes easier to imagine how some mid-sized pubs may feel that same sting.” – Simon Jones (pointed out by Brigid Alverson) […]