Red Baylon lists the week’s new releases for you at Japanator.
Chih-Chieh Chang is one of a group of reporters who interviewed Eyeshield 21 creators Riichiro Inagaki and Yusuke Murata in Taipei recently.
David Welsh ponders possible manga remakes of classic superheroes at Precocious Curmudgeon.
Akibanana has a nice primer on Comiket. (Via Journalista.)
San Francisco’s first manga cafe is closing, Deb Aoki reports, and they are selling off their stock at fire-sale prices.
News from Japan: ANN has the latest comics rankings from Oricon and Tohan. Ryan shows off some pages (warning—not for the faint of heart) from Suehiro Maruo’s Imomushi at Same Hat. V.B. Rose creator Banri Hidaka is launching her Berry Berry series in Hana to Yume.
Grant Goodman on vol. 6 of Bizenghast (Manga Recon)
Ed Chavez on vol. 1 of Doujin Work (MangaCast)
Julie on vol. 1 of Higurashi When They Cry: Cotton Drifting Arc (Manga Maniac Cafe)
Megan M. on vols. 4 and 5 of Mixed Vegetables (There it is, Plain as Daylight)
Connie on vol. 6 of Record of a Fallen Vampire (Slightly Biased Manga)
Lissa Pattillo on vol. 6 of Yotsuba&! (Kuriousity)