The Comics Village team picks the best of this week’s new releases.
At ANN, Evan Miller talks to artist Bettina Kurkoski of My Cat Loki and Warriors fame.
Lori Henderson turns out another excellent and thorough look at the week’s manga news at Manga Xanadu.
Scott VonSchilling talks to Vertical’s Ed Chavez about his company’s presence at NYAF.
Gia goes all scientific on us at Anime Vice with some interesting reading about the different ways women and men respond to pictures of people having sex, which may shed a bit of light on the yaoi enigma.
The latest lesson at Manga University: How to Draw Males.
At Okazu, Erica Friedman has some advice for anime and manga publishers who go to conventions, and she also rounds up the week’s yuri news.
News from Japan: Apparently the hot new enteprise in Japan is turning company manuals into manga. Also, lucky moviegoers will get a copy of “vol. 0” of One PIece as a special gift.
Reviews: The Manga Recon team checks out some new titles in their latest On the Shojo Beat and Manga MInis columns. (Warning: Obnoxious interstitial ad.) Thanks to the PCS folks for removing the annoying ad!
Alex Hoffmann on Apollo’s Song (Comics Village)
Lorena Nava Ruggero on vol. 1 of Apothecarius Argentum (i heart manga)
Lexie on vol. 1 of Ballad of a Shinigami (Poisoned Rationality)
Michelle Smith on vol. 29 of Bleach (Soliloquy in Blue)
Michelle Smith on vols. 1-6 of Comic (Soliloquy in Blue)
Sesho on vol. 12 of Eden (Sesho’s Anime and Manga Reviews)
Julie on vol. 4 of Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden (Manga Maniac Cafe)
Connie on vol. 14 of Monster (Slightly Biased Manga)
Connie on vol. 8 of Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom (Slightly Biased Manga)
Connie on vol. 8 of One Thousand and One Nights (Slightly Biased Manga)
Connie on vol. 5 of Pluto (Slightly Biased Manga)
Snow Wildsmith on vols. 1-3 of Prince Charming (Manga Jouhou)
Grant on vol. 1 of Red String (The Hipster Dad’s Bookshelf)
Kate Dacey on vol. 1 of Rin-ne (Manga Critic)
Connie on vol. 7 of Slam Dunk (Slightly Biased Manga)
Michelle Smith on vols. 15-18 of Skip Beat! (Soliloquy in Blue)
Julie on vol. 8 of Vampire Knight (Manga Maniac Cafe)
Greg McElhatton on vol. 1 of What a Wonderful World (Read About Comics)
Julie on the November issue of Yen Plus (Manga Maniac Cafe)
Michelle Smith says
Manga Recon has heard your complaint and acted accordingly! :) Our esteemed webmaster has done some tweaking to ensure no more interstitial ads will come up on Manga Recon. If you spot a straggler, please let us know which page it was on.
Brigid says
Wow! Thanks, Michelle! I didn’t mind it the first time, but it was tiresome to have the page jerked away every single time I went there. I know you gotta pay the rent, but really…
Tell them I appreciate it.
Michelle Smith says
Will do! Alas, it appears a bit more tweaking is required, since I just saw such an ad this morning. We’re working on it, at least. :)