In preparation for the launch of Shonen Jump Alpha, which will lag the Japanese Shonen Jump by just two weeks, Viz is ramping up their digital releases of the six affected series, releasing new volumes of Naruto and Bleach digitally ahead of print. I discuss the Naruto changes a bit at MTV Geek, and Deb Aoki has the details on Bleach, which include skipping ahead to a new story arc, at
The Manga Bookshelf bloggers discuss their Pick of the Week, and the Manga Village team checks out the best of the past week’s new releases.
The Manga Moveable Feast continues at Manga Widget, where your host Alex Hoffman, rounds up all the Day One posts on Natsume Ono.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, publishers are starting to put out suggested gift guides; Lissa Pattollo runs the Viz gift guide at Kuriousity.
Three Steps Over Japan continues its look at Japanese manga magazines with a peek at Morning Tsu, a spinoff of Weekly Morning.
Reviews: It’s a new week, so the Manga Bookshelf crowd has a new set of Bookshelf Briefs for us. Ash Brown takes us through a week’s worth of manga reading at Experiments in Manga.
Erica Friedman on The Book of Human Insects (Okazu)
Ken Haley on Breathe Deeply (Sequential Ink)
Dave Ferraro on vol. 1 of The Drops of God (Comics-and-More)
Animemiz on Gate 7 (Anime Diet)
AstroNerdBoy on vol. 1 of Love Hina (omnibus edition)
David Welsh on vol. 1 of Only Serious About You (The Manga Curmudgeon)
David Welsh on Tesoro (The Manga Curmudgeon)
Sean Gaffney on vol. 10 of Twin Spica (A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Mitchell Steele says
Could you review ‘Chibi Vampire’ for me thanks.