Monday early roundup

If you love manwha, are fluent in English and Korean, and have mad proofreading skillz—and are willing to work in Jersey City—then Netcomics has a job for you. (Via ComiPress.)

Today’s interesting AoD forum thread: Can men translate yaoi?

It’s Manga Monday at Comics-and-more, and this week Dave is reading Blood Alone and looking at two new series in Shojo Beat.

News from Go! Comi: Two new series, After School Nightmare and Night of the Beasts, are starting up at the end of September. In the meantime, if the muse strikes, check out their Cantarella-themed Poison Pen Poetry Contest. And if you like swag, subscribe to the newsletter, as they have another contest to win a Japanese Her Majesty’s Dog tote.

ICv2 looks at the three different versions of Train Man coming out this fall.

We’ve seen articles on this before, but this story about three manga that are 30 years old includes cover art and more detail about the stories themselves.

Sweatdrop Studios has two new how-to-draw-manga books coming out: Draw Manga, by the members of the studio, and Drawing Manga, by Selina Dean.

A high school reporter goes to Otakon and puts other papers to shame in an unusually well written article that includes interviews with anime and cosplay fans.

Here’s another one of those teens flock back to the library stories that mentions manga as a factor. In this case, teen attendance went up 40 percent. I like what this library, in central Pennsylvania, did, which is to set up a teen advisory board. I also think it’s interesting how often manga and graphic novels get credit for bringing kids to the library.

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  1. I’m not sure where that library is – Mantee County sounds like Florida, but I could be wrong – but it’s definitely not central Pennsylvania. There are no islands around here, let alone ones big enough to house libaries. Given that there’s a reference to “Special to the Herald, I’m guessing it’s suburban Miami. The CDT tends to get a lot of its lifestyle material from the Miami Herald.

  2. The only Manatee County I could find in a cursory search was indeed in Florida, which makes me wonder why the top of the page bills itself as “Central Pennsylvania’s home page.” Thanks for pointing out the lack of islands in Pennsylvania, though. (That’s a big duh for me because I’m from Indiana, another state that is pretty much island-free.)

  3. I shudder at the thought of the day these same librarians discover lolicon or guro hentai. Yabai!