Ed Chavez and the MangaCast crew have been tinkering with the internets again, and look what they came up with: PodViews, previews that you can subscribe to and download just like audio files, so you don’t have to go through all the hassle of visiting the company’s website and trying to find the previews there. The details are here.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, so Love Manga has the shopping list. It looks like Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service is finally coming out—or is Dark Horse just toying with us again?
At Tokyopop, ChunHyang72 has the latest roundup of blogs and columns worth reading. It’s nice that she highlights the editors’ blogs, as they would otherwise get lost. And I like the suggestion made by blogger Andre (love the banner, too) that readers be allowed to post reviews, a la Netflix.
Your Japanese lesson for today, courtesy of Manga Junkie: Why the police refer to crime victims as “Buddha.”
Job postings: From Deutsche Mangaka comes word that the German manga publisher Fireangels is looking for submissions. And you don’t have to know German to enter. (Via Guns, Guys, and Yaoi.) Prism Comics posts to the TCJ message board that they are looking for writers to review comics with LGBT content. No pay, just the glory of being published. And Kids Love Comics is looking for samples of work by people who make comics for kids.
If you think being a manga reviewer is all beer and skittles, Pata has some bad news for you.
Review of reviews: At AoD, Ed Chavez reviewsVs., a new series from CMX. Comics-and-more devotes Manga Monday to two titles I haven’t read yet, Blue Spring and Flowers and Bees. Blogcritics gives the nod to Monster, a favorite of mine:
I wonder how many teen readers will get caught up in this well-mounted serial’s moral ambiguities which, in best noir fashion, are effectively designed to make the reader question what at first seem fluorescently lit moral certainties.
Tivome says
About manga junkie: actually the blogger didn’t really explain it fully.. she just copied something from Japan Wikipedia. Hotoke-san is used by police to show respect to the dead. It is a sort of euphenism since there’s no way someone died a violent death could have be ascended into Buddha-hood, but they don’t do it out of jest like an American cop would. The dead does not become a buddha automatically; people know you have to cultivate for thousands and thousands of lifetimes to achieve buddha-hood. It’s just respectful wishful thinking. What they meant to say is they’d wish for the dead to be reincarnated to a better life next time. That’s why there are monks chanting sutras and mantras during funerals – to help the dead choose a better next life. If a highly respected Shingonshuu (Japanese Varjayana Buddhism) master passed away, okay there’s a chance he or she may ended up at least a Buddhisattva, but for an ordinary deseased Japanese, it’s just an word of respect.
Pata Chu-sama… I’d hate to see him stop reviewing. He’s cloest to a true Japanese otaku than any other reviewer in the English speaking world, so it wuold be a sad loss if he stops. I mean the guy know what’s the default costume for Mini-mon, for crying outloud. Mo gambatte kudasai, pata-san.
Ai.. I wrote some weird crap again.. oh well, shoganai neh.
Andre says
Whuh? I read this earlier, and completely skimmed over you linking to my TP blog, until ChunHyang pointed it out. Thanks!