Shaenon Garrity has posted another piping-hot edition of the Overlooked Manga Festival, this one about Yakitate!! Japan, a favorite in my house.
The Same Hat guys are back, and they’re hosting another scanlation of a Shintaro Kago manga. Click at your own risk!
Here’s some more online manga with a different slant: is posting chapters of Gal Samurai, a shoujo-ish story of an ass-kickin’ kogal. It’s a bit uneven but entertaining in places. My advice: Check the story guide before you start reading, because there’s not much backstory in the chapters up so far. (Via ANN.)
Check this out, because it may not last: Ed has video of SDCC at the MangaCast. Also up at the ‘Cast: This week’s new manga, and a Maki Side Dish on Comic Gumbo.
Comicsnob has this week’s online manga rankings.
It’s time to start thinking about next year: ICv2 has the dope on Tokyopop’s first-quarter 2008 releases and Viz’s new series.
I was a little slow picking this up this week, but everyone else caught it: vol. 20 of Bleach shot up from 111 to 85 on the USA Today Booklist, and vol. 15 of Naruto slid from 88 to 130.
Reviews: John Jakala reviews Times of Botchan at Sporadic Sequential. At The Comic Book Bin, Leroy Douresseaux checks out vol. 5 of O-Parts Hunter. Patricia Beard reviews vol. 1 of Satisfaction Guaranteed for Anime on DVD. At Comics Worth Reading, Rob Vollmar gives two thumbs up to vol. 2 of Phoenix. Leah reviews vols. 1 and 2 of Dokebi Bride at Hobotaku. Christopher Seaman reviews vol. 4 of Hayate the Combat Butler and Holly Ellingwood checks out vol. 1 of Sunflower at Active Anime. Mangamaniac Julie reviews one of my favorite series, vol. 4 of ES: Eternal Sabbath, at MangaCast. At Prospero’s Manga, Ferdinand reviews Shoujoai Ni Bouken: The Adventure of Yuriko. Cornerofmadness reviews vol. 18 of Bleach at Manganews. Connie goes for the girly with a review of vol. 1 of Metamo Kiss at Slightly Biased Manga.
Tivome says
How is Yakitate!! Japan considered overlooked? Anyway, Brig, please go try a melon-pan or an-pan if you can find them in Boston. It’s REALLY good. I was watching Shakugan no Shana last night and I really crave one now… sure beats all the pastries I can find in the states. Lucky Star has me hooked on choco cronet, and Shana has me craving melon-pan… I have to stop watching before I gain more weight…