Early edition, so justice can be served

Hey, everyone, I have jury duty on Thursday, so I’m posting tomorrow’s news today.

Vol. 28 of Naruto slides from number 39 to 52 on the USA Today best-seller list, and vol. 19 of Fruits Basket moves from 34 to 65.

Rivkah Greulich argues that bookstores should shelve manga by age group, and possibly by genre as well, rather than arranging them all alphabetically in a single section. A good discussion follows in the comments section. (Via Journalista.)

And in the comments to yesterday’s Journalista, Rikki Simons and Matt Thorn add their two cents to Lea Hernandez’s historical note on the standard manga format.

You know how all those reviewers are noticing how much Fairy Tail looks like One Piece? Editor Tricia Narwani makes the connection at the Del Rey blog, and it’s not as direct as you might think.

The Manga Recon team indexes their reviews for the past three months.

Reviews: The 18+ title A Wish of My Sister restores Ferdinand’s faith in porn (!) at Prospero’s Manga. Julie think’s there’s too much volleyball, not enough relationships, in vol. 4 of Crimson Hero. Patricia Beard enjoys The Prime Minister’s Secret Diplomacy, and Robert Harris has some good things to say about vol. 3 of Strawberry 100%, at Anime on DVD. Ed Sizemore is very disappointed by the manga version of Kamikaze Girls at Comics Worth Reading. At Manga Life, Shannon Fay reviews vol. 1 of Avalon High: Coronation and vol. 1 of RA-1, Ysabet Reinhardt MacFarlane checks out vol. 1 of Dazzle, and Joy Kim reads vol. 15 of Fullmetal Alchemist. Tiamat’s Disciple reviews vol. 1 of Kieli but reserves final judgment until the second volume comes out. Erica Friedman enjoys vol. 4 of Kashimashi Girl meets Girl once she realizes that it really is a formula series.

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  1. Good luck meting out the justice. Not sure where you got tagged to serve, but had to serve last year at the Court House on Beacon Hill and it was surprisingly organized and quick.

  2. Lowell! This will be the second time in my life I have been to Lowell. I should have requested Woburn, but this should be an adventure.

    I have served in Boston and Cambridge, and both times it was just like your experience—but I wasn’t picked for a jury either time. We’ll see how it goes today.