The Viz folks have a Q&A with Rumiko Takahashi on The Rumic World, the site that hosts her manga Rin-ne. It’s about as informative as every other interview with a manga creator, which is to say, not very.
All the school libraries—elementary, middle, and high school—in Wicomico County, Maryland, have removed all the volumes of Dragon Ball from their shelves because of some nudity and sexual innuendo in the first volume, which was erroneously placed in an elementary-school library, ICv2 reports:
The district did become aware that the books were intended for young adults during the review process, according to the report, but still decided to remove the books from high school shelves as well for reasons that were not explained. Superintendent Frederickson did defend the use of graphic novels as an educational tool, according to the report.
Here’s a little treat to start the weekend off right: Kurutta posts a few pages of Osamu Tezuka’s Crime and Punishment (translated by Fred Schodt). (Via Robot 6.)
And at Same Hat!, Ryan shows off some of Steve Oliff’s original coloring guides for Akira.
The latest ANNCast is up, and the special guest is Gia Manry of Anime Vice.
News from Japan: Meiji University announced that it will establish an international manga library in 2014.
Kate Dacey on vol. 1 of Akira (The Manga Critic)
Lissa Pattillo on vol. 9 of The Antique Gift Shop (Kuriousity)
Lorena Nava Ruggero on vol. 2 of Apothecarius Argentum (i heart manga)
Connie on vol. 28 of Bleach (Slightly Biased Manga)
Erica Friedman on vol. 4 of Hayate x Blade (Okazu)
Danielle Leigh on vol. 2 of Nightschool (Comics Should Be Good!)
Michelle Smith on vol. 1 of Oh! My Brother (Manga Recon)
Julie on vol. 27 of Red River (Manga Maniac Cafe)
Kate Dacey on vol. 1 of Rin-ne (The Manga Critic)
Sesho on vol. 8 of Sorcerer Hunters (Sesho’s Anime and Manga Reviews)
D.M. Evans on vols. 4-6 of Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning (Manga Jouhou)
Diana Dang on vols. 1-14 of Tramps Like Us (Stop, Drop, and Read!)
Tiamat’s Disciple on vol. 5 of With the Light (Tiamat’s Manga Reviews)
Manga Comics Online says
Here in Japan Dragon Ball airs on Sunday mornings. I guess standards in the US are different. They should of taken down only the first volume.
I love your blog! Lots of great information.
Maki Kaze