Melinda Beasi looks forward to some June Releases in her latest Manhwa Monday post.
Kate Dacey looks at this week’s new releases, and the Manga Village team looks at the batch that just came out.
Japanator’s Brad Rice talks to manga expert Jason Thompson and Vertical, Inc., marketing director Ed Chavez about the state of the manga industry in the first episode of his podcast, Serious Business with Brad Rice.
News from Japan: Young Magazine is posting five issues, including its inaugural issue, online for free to celebrate its 30th anniversary.
Reviews: A new week means a fresh batch of Manga Minis from the Manga Recon team.
Sean Gaffney on vol. 4 of Gatcha Gacha (A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Oliver Ho on GoGo Monster (PopMatters)
Snow Wildsmith on I’ve Moved Next Door to You and Kiss Your Hair (Fujoshi Librarian)
Connie on vol. 26 of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Slightly Biased Manga)
Connie on vols. 1 and 2 of Kabuki (Manga Recon)
Erica Friedman on Kimi Koi Limit (Okazu)
Leroy Douresseaux on Kiss Your Hair (The Comic Book Bin)
Sam Kusek on vols. 1 and 2 of Laon (Manga Recon)
Dave Ferraro on vol. 1 of Library Wars and vol. 1 of Kingyo Used Books (Comics-and-More)
Lori Henderson on vol. 1 of My Darling! Miss Bancho (Manga Xanadu)
Lissa Pattillo on vol. 7 of Pokemon Adventures (Kuriousity)
Michelle Smith on Ristorante Paradiso (Manga Recon)
Todd Douglass on vol. 1 of Saturn Apartments (Anime Maki)
Kristin on vol. 1 of Saturn Apartments (Comic Attack)
Julie Opipari on vol. 2 of St. Dragon Girl (Manga Maniac Cafe)
Connie on vol. 23 of Yakitate!! Japan (Slightly Biased Manga)
D.M. Evans on vol. 8 of Zombie-Loan (Manga Jouhou)
Ingraman says
The link to the Dave Ferraro review of Library Wars and Kingyo Used Books is pointing in the wrong direction.
Right or wrong, thanks for all of the links. ^_^